CSAP Vice-President Kimo Gandall, PRP, led a well-attended on-line class beginning at 10:00 AM on Sunday, November 15, 2020, to prepare individuals to take the NAP membership examination. Why is that worthwhile? Well. Have you ever had something to say at a business or policy meeting but didn’t or couldn’t speak your mind?
If this describes your predicament on even ONE occasion, CSAP is here to help you avoid a repeat – CSAP wants every individual to know how to engage the process. CSAP wants every person to have a voice within the club, society, group, institute, association, company, body, board, committee or organization deserving of their time and energy. CSAP’s mission is to facilitate participation in the deliberative assemblies that our members hold dear.
This mission succeeds when CSAP members, guests, friends, and fans hold dear the offerings made by CSAP. This volunteer organization presents a unique learning opportunity. The subject matter – group decision making – can be frightening. Fortunately, CSAP offers not just parliamentary lessons, but a safe and encouraging learning environment. Skilled CSAP parliamentarians stand ready to serve CSAP members looking to expand their parliamentary knowledge and applied parliamentary experience.
You have made it the CSAP webpage. Congratulations! Please stay a while. Check out the 8-question quiz at the Welcome window! Look for a new quiz each month, and of course, join NAP & CSAP!
Many thanks to Vice-President Gandall. I checked into his workshop and as always, learned something new about Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised and about NAP. He is available to proctor your exam! Set a date, get ready, take the exam, and begin an exciting new journey!
We hope to see you all at a future NAP or CSAP event. Curious? Please inquire! Peruse the webpage, ask questions, get in touch, stay tuned for our January newsletter, and most of all, Parli-On!