The 72nd session of CSAP’s annual meeting convened on Saturday, October 19 at the Biltmore Hotel & Suites in Santa Clara, California, with Vice-President Esther presiding due to absence of President James Stewart.
At the opening bell, 23 members were present. After brief introductions, the session began with a memorial service in honor of fellow parliamentarians: Alice T Allen, Theta; Samuel J Gales, MAL; Kim Goldsworthy, PRP, MAL; June Koefeda, Sigma Rho Pi; and, Mary Ellen Harris, MAL.
President James Stewart offered a welcome to Annual Meeting via video.
First timer attendee Rose Gilardi from Pacific Area, CA Sigma Phi Unit was introduced.
Following routine business of adopting the Annual Meeting Standing Rules, Adopting the credentials Report and adopting the printed Program.
The Nominating Committee for the 2020 Annual Meeting Election:
Bruce Bergman—Green Gavel, Electronic Unit
Maria Trujillo-Tough, RP—Sacramento Parliamentarians, Northern Area
S. David Shapiro, PRP—CA-Sigma Phi, Northern Area
Joan Harmon—CA-Theta Unit, Southern Area
The 2019-2020 Budget was adopted after being amended, and will be printed in the next CP. Annual Reports were printed in the Program Book. Chairman were asked for any updates.
Parliamentarian David Mezzera, PRP, added to his report that he is still trying to come up with an accurate list of unit names for NAP. He will contact NAP and find out if there’s a fee to obtain a new charter for a unit wishing to change its name.
Webmaster Bruce Bergman updated his report that we are moving our Zoom account from monthly to yearly to save money. He is looking for input on the forums on the website. Keep or delete?
Vice President Heller reported that the consolidation of the Pacific and Sierra Areas intothe new Northern Area was completed during the recess by adoption of standing rules and election of officers. The Officers are:
Director—Esther Heller, PRP
Assistant Director—David Mezzera, PRP
Secretary—Vicki Walter, RP
Treasurer—Rick Sydor, RP-R
David Mezzera, PRP, reported that the bylaw amendment at NAP Convention to do away with districts failed. Therefore in 2021, it will be California’s turn to host the district meeting. He also shared information about the 12th edition of RONR is coming out next year. Plans are to have it available at the Leadership Meeting in San Antonio, Texas
The specific date of our 2020 Annual Meeting has not yet been set, but the plan is to hold it in the San Diego Area.